Guide Color Keys

The scenario information are in this color
Location: Oceania
Biome: Reef
Map Size: Small
Difficulty: Hard
Cash: $90,000

The descriptions are in this color
"Your zoo has some new arrivals: smart dolphins . Can you care for these large, highly intelligent creatures? Complete all scenarios in this campaign to unlock marine mania-themed buildings and objects"

The introduction of each respective scenario is in this color

Your zoo wants to obtain more Marine Mania animals. A nearby Underwater life Specialist has offered to donate two of their Dolphins. There's no charge, but you have promised to take good care of these large intelligent animals.

You will find the two dolphins in crates near the entrance to your zoo. Create an exhibit for the animals and meet all their basic needs. Once you've demonstrated that you can care for the creatures, the
Underwaterlife Specialist may donate additional Dolphins to your zoo.

The ads are all in BLACK and are Italic

Ads: The Underwater life Specialist will give you a cash grant if you have 20 marine species in your zoo .

The rest are all in BLACK. Occasionally, you may find texts in RED and BLUE in the 'Explanation' section of each scenario walkthrough. These signal important notes or risky maneuvers that you need to know when playing the scenario.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

African Adventure: A Mob Of A Meerkat

Location: West Africa
Biome: Savannah
Map Size: Medium
Difficulty: Normal
Cash: $20,000

"Your zoo has some new arrivals: mischievous meerkats. Can you care for these small, highly social creatures? Complete all scenarios in this campaign to unlock desert-themed buildings and objects"

The Introduction :
"Your zoo wants to obtain more African animals. A nearby Wildlife sanctuary has offered to donate two of their Meerkats. There's no charge, but you have promised to take good care of these small sociable animals.

You will find the two meerkats in crates near the entrance to your zoo. Create an exhibit for the animals and meet all their basic needs. Once you've demonstrated that you can care for the creatures, the wildlife sanctuary may donate additional Meerkats to your zoo.

One thing to note about Meerkats is that they are very good diggers. So good, in fact, that they can dig under many types of fences! If you don't have a fence that can keep the in you will either need to be clever when you design their exhibit or just catch them whenever they escape."


This is the first scenario in the African Adventure. The scenario opens with a tiny food court and with 12 animals which are 3 Dromedary Camels, 2 Red Kangaroos, 2 Ostrich, 3 Zebra, 1 Black Rhinoceros, and 2 Crated Meerkats. This scenario is relatively simple. All you have to do is to make a suitable exhibit for the Meerkats.

I used the High Wooden Rail Fence so that the meerkats cannot escape and I added all the things that the meerkats needed. Also do take note that you need to build a very large exhibit as the wildlife sanctuary will donate 6 more meerkats in a few days. All you need to do at this point is to take care of the meerkats for 3 months and you can win the scenario.

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